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thumbnail imagePrunus pumila var. besseyi 'P011S' PAWNEE BUTTES® (Sand Cherry; Western Sand Cherry)

Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated (Selection from Weld Co., Colorado) Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Sandy or clay loam soil; adaptable Light: sun, partial shade, partial sun

thumbnail imagePrunus virginiana (Black Chokecherry; Common Chokecherry; Western Chokecherry; Chokecherry; chapulin)

Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub/tree; tree Flowers: white Nativity: North America Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Except for heavy clay, is adapted to a wide range of soil textures, but most sites are characterized by silty or sandy soils with good depth, fertility, and drainage. Light: sun

 Psephellus bagadensis

Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: W. Transcaucasus Light: sun

 Psephellus bellus

Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple|pink Nativity: Transcaucasus

thumbnail imagePseudofumaria alba (Pale Corydalis)

Family: Poppy Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white|yellow Nativity: E Europe Hardiness: USDA Zone 5

 Pseudognaphalium canescens (Wright's Rabbit Tobacco; Wright's Cudweed)

Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: W United States, Mexico Light: sun

on mapPseudolysimachion incanum 'Silbersee' Silver Sea (Wooly Speedwell; Silver Speedwell; Veronica)

Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun

on mapPseudoroegneria spicata (Bluebunch Wheatgrass )

Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Nativity: Alaska to W. & Central U.S.A.

on mapPseudoroegneria spicata 'Goldar' (Bluebunch Wheatgrass )

Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Nativity: Cultivated

thumbnail imagePseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas Fir; Douglas-Fir)

Family: Pine Family Habit: tree Nativity: SE Alaska to Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 3B Light: sun

thumbnail imagePseudotsuga menziesii 'Weep Willie' Weeping Willie (Douglas Fir; Douglas-Fir)

Family: Pine Family Habit: dwarf tree Nativity: Cultivated

thumbnail imageon mapPsilostrophe bakeri (Baker's Paper Flower)

Family: Aster Family Habit: sub-shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Colorado

thumbnail imagePsilostrophe tagetina (Woolly Paperflower; Marigold Paperflower)

Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous; sub-shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Utah to Kansas south to Arizona and Texas, New Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade

thumbnail imagePterocephalus depressus (Carpeting Pincushion Flower; Moroccan Pincushion Flower)

Family: Honeysuckle Family Habit: sub-shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Morocco Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Moderately fertile, well-drained, preferably alkaline Light: sun, partial shade

thumbnail imagePtilotrichum lapeyrousianum

Family: Mustard Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: SW Europe Light: sun

 Pulsatilla ambigua (Pasque Flower)

Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: China, Mongolia, Russian Federation (Siberia) Light: sun, partial shade

 Pulsatilla nuttalliana (Pasque Flower)

Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: N North America to New Mexico

thumbnail imagePulsatilla patens (Eastern Pasque Flower)

Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: N. & Central Europe to Siberia and N. Xinjiang Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun

thumbnail imagePulsatilla patens ssp. multifida (Cutleaf Anemone; Prairie Smoke)

Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue|purple|white Nativity: Eurasia, Canada, United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade

thumbnail imagePulsatilla pratensis (Meadow Anemone; Small Pasque Flower)

Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: C & E Europe Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun

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