Search Results493 Results: Plants Matching: "A: Location: Ellipse Garden"Refine Your Search |
Abies concolor (Colorado White Fir; White Fir; Colorado Fir) Family: Pine Family Habit: tree Flowers: purple Nativity: W United States (Oregon to Wyoming & New Mexico), N Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Moist, well-drained soil; tolerates heat and drought Light: sun, partial sun, partial shade | |
Acer miyabei 'Morton' State Street™ (Miyabe Maple) Family: Soapberry Family Habit: tree Flowers: green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 | |
Acer saccharum 'Barrett Cole' APOLLO® (Sugar Maple; Rock Maple) Family: Soapberry Family Habit: tree Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Actaea matsumurae 'White Pearl' (Kamchatka Bugbane) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: partial sun, partial shade | |
Agapanthus 'Blue Yonder' (Lily-of-the-Nile) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: rhizome; herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Agastache 'Arizona Sunset' (Hummingbird Mint; Hyssop) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|purple Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Alcea rugosa 'Russian Yellow' (Hollyhock) Family: Mallow Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Alchemilla mollis (Lady's Mantle) Family: Rose Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Sweden, Romania to Caucasus Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Moist, well-drained soil Light: partial shade, shade | |
Alchemilla saxatilis Family: Rose Family Nativity: Alps & Pyrenees | |
Allium schubertii (Ornamental Onion) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: pink Nativity: E Mediterranean to C Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Average, well-drained soil Light: sun, partial sun | |
Allium siculum (Sicilian Honey Garlic; Mediterranean Bells) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: green|pink Nativity: S Europe to Turkey Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Amelanchier laevis (Allegheny Serviceberry) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub/tree Nativity: Nwfd. to Ont. to GA + OH + IA Hardiness: USDA Zone 3B | |
Amelanchier stolonifera (Running Serviceberry) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Nwfd. to Ont. to VA + MI + MN Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 | |
Amelanchier wiegandii Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Canada (E. Prov.); Newfoundland; U.S.A. (N.E. States) | |
Anemone blanda 'White Splendour' (Windflower; Grecian Windflower) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Widely adaptable; Average, well-drained soil Light: sun, partial shade | |
Anemone coronaria (St. Brigid Group) (St. Brigid Anemone; Wind Flower) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous; geophyte Flowers: multi-colored Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 7 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Aquilegia chrysantha (Golden Columbine) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Utah & Colorado to N Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial sun, partial shade | |
Aquilegia chrysantha DENVER GOLD® (Golden Columbine) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4B Soil: Fertile, moist, well-drained soil Light: sun, partial shade | |
Aquilegia coerulea (Colorado Blue Columbine) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue|white Nativity: Idaho & Montana to Arizona & New Mexico | |
Arrhenatherum elatius ssp. bulbosum 'Variegatum' (Variegated Bulbous Oatgrass) Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Artemisia abrotanum 'Leprechaun' (Southernwood) Family: Aster Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Artemisia lactiflora (White Sagebrush; White Mugwort) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: China Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 | |
Artemisia 'Powis Castle' (Artemisia; Wormwood; Sage Brush; Mugwort) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun | |
Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed; Butterfly Milkweed) Family: Dogbane Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: orange Nativity: SE Canada to SW United States, N Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Asphodeline lutea (Yellow Asphodel; King's Spear) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Mediterranean Region Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: partial sun, partial shade | |
Aster × frikartii 'Monch' (Frikart's Aster; Michaelmas Daisy) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple|orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Astragalus angustifolius Family: Bean Family Habit: sub-shrub Flowers: white|purple Nativity: Turkey Light: sun | |
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum (Japanese Painted Fern) Family: Spleenwort Family Habit: fern; herbaceous Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: rich, moist soil Light: partial shade, shade | |
Baccharis halimifolia Selection for early flowering (Eastern Baccharis; Groundseltree; Sea Island Myrtle; Groundselbush) Family: Aster Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Baptisia australis (Blue False Indigo) Family: Bean Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Eastern United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Baptisia Deluxe 'Pink Lemonade' DECADENCE® (False Indigo) Family: Bean Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow|pink Nativity: Cultivated (Texas and Oklahoma) Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Berberis aquifolium 'Compacta' (Oregon Grape) Family: Barberry Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Bergenia 'Angel Kiss' Dragonfly Series™ (Dwarf Bergenia) Family: Saxifrage Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Bergenia 'Britten' (Bergenia; Pigsqueak; Heartleaf; Elephant's Ears) Family: Saxifrage Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Rich, composty, moist, well-drained Light: shade, partial shade, sun | |
Berlandiera lyrata (Green-Eyes; Lyreleaf Greeneyes; Chocolate Flower; Chocolate Daisy) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow|brown|red Nativity: SW & SC United States to SW Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Poor, dry soils Light: sun, partial sun, partial shade | |
Boehmeria platanifolia (Sycamore-Leaf False Nettle) Family: Nettle Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: brown Nativity: China, Japan, Korea Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Brunnera macrophylla 'Alexander’s Great' (Siberian Bugloss) Family: Borage Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: average to slightly moist, well-drained Light: partial sun, partial shade | |
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' (Siberian Bugloss; Heartleaf Brunnera) Family: Borage Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Buddleja davidii 'Black Knight' (Butterfly Bush) Family: Figwort Family Habit: shrub Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Fertile, well-drained Light: sun | |
Buxus 'Green Velvet' (Boxwood) Family: Boxwood Family Habit: shrub Flowers: green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: average, medium moisture, well-drained Light: sun, partial sun | |
Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Winter Gem' (Japanese Littleleaf Boxwood; Japanese Boxwood) Family: Boxwood Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Callicarpa bodinieri 'Profusion' (Beautyberry) Family: Mint Family Habit: shrub Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Soil: Average, medium wet, well-drained Light: sun, partial shade | |
Callicarpa Purple Giant Plump & Plentiful™ (Purple Giant Beautyberry) Family: Mint Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Calochortus splendens 'Violet Queen' (Mariposa Tulip; Fairy Lantern; Butterfly Flower) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Calycanthus 'Aphrodite' (Sweetshrub) Family: Strawberry-shrub Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Campanula pyramidalis (Pyramidal Bluebell; Chimney Bellflower) Family: Bellflower Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: SE Europe Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Caragana microphylla 'Tidy' (Littleleaf Pea Shrub) Family: Bean Family Habit: shrub/tree Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Carex appalachica (Appalachian Sedge) Family: Sedge Family Habit: grass/sedge Nativity: E North America Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: partial sun, partial shade | |
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides (Hardy Plumbago; Shrubby Plumbago) Family: Leadwort Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: W China Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Cercis canadensis (Redbud; Judas Tree; Eastern Redbud) Family: Bean Family Habit: tree Flowers: pink Nativity: E & C United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Moist, well-drained soil Light: sun, partial sun | |
Chaenomeles speciosa 'Orange Storm' Double Take™ (Flowering Quince) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Chionanthus virginicus (White Fringe Tree; Old Man's Beard) Family: Olive Family Habit: shrub/tree; tree Flowers: white Nativity: E United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 5A Soil: moist, well drained Light: sun, partial shade | |
Chrysanthemum 'Pumpkin Yoigloo' Pumpkin Igloo (Hardy Chrysanthemum; Chrysanthemum) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Chrysanthemum zawadskii ssp. zawadskii 'White Bomb' (Chrysanthemum) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 | |
Cladrastis kentukea (Kentucky Yellowwood; Yellowwood) Family: Bean Family Habit: tree Flowers: white Nativity: SE United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Clematis 'Arabella' (Clematis) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: shrub; herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Clematis 'Betty Corning' (Clematis) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: vine Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Clematis 'Cleminov 51' Sapphire Indigo™ (Clematis) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: vine Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: partial sun, sun | |
Clematis 'Doctor Ruppel' (Clematis) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous; vine Flowers: pink|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Clematis 'Ernest Markham' (Clematis) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: vine Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 | |
Clematis 'Fragrant Star' Vancouver™ (Clematis) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous; vine Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Clematis heracleifolia var. davidiana 'Wyevale' (Clematis) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 | |
Clematis hexapetala (Mongolian Snowflakes; Clematis; Six-Petal Clematis) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Siberia to N Korea Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Clematis 'Jackmannii Alba' (Clematis) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: vine Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Clematis 'Wildfire' (Clematis) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: vine Flowers: purple|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Clinopodium nepeta Family: Mint Family Flowers: pink Nativity: Central Europe, Medit. to N. Iran | |
Coleus paniculatus 'Variegata' (Swedish Ivy) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 9A Light: partial sun, sun | |
Cornus controversa 'June Snow-JFS' June Snow™ (Giant Dogwood) Family: Dogwood Family Habit: tree Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Cornus 'KN30-8' VENUS® (Dogwood) Family: Dogwood Family Habit: tree Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Soil: well-drained Light: sun, partial shade | |
Cornus kousa 'Schmred' Heart Throb® (Kousa; Japanese Dogwood; Chinese Dogwood) Family: Dogwood Family Habit: tree Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Cornus sericea 'Kelseyi' (Red-Stem Dogwood; American Dogwood; Red-Osier Dogwood) Family: Dogwood Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 2 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Cotoneaster lucidus (Hedge Cotoneaster) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Russian Federation Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 | |
Crambe cordifolia (Colewort; Greater Sea Kale) Family: Mustard Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Temperate Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Crambe maritima (Sea Kale; Curly Leaf Sea Kale) Family: Mustard Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Europe to Caucasus Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Well-drained, sandy, clay, loam Light: sun | |
Crataegus crus-galli 'Inermis' (Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn) Family: Rose Family Habit: tree Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4A | |
Crocosmia 'Columbus' (Crocosmia) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; geophyte Flowers: gold Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora 'Star of the East' (Montbretia) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Crocus × luteus 'Yellow Mammoth' (Crocus; Spring Crocus) Family: Iris Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Crocus vernus (Dutch Crocus; Spring Crocus; Purple Crocus) Family: Iris Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: white|purple|blue Nativity: Europe Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Dalea purpurea 'Stephanie' (Purple Prairie Clover) Family: Bean Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Daucus carota 'Dara' (Wild Carrot; Ornamental Carrot; Queen Anne's Lace) Family: Carrot Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Delphinium (King Arthur Group) (Delphinium) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Delphinium Magic Fountains Series (Delphinium) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: multi-colored Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Delphinium Pacific Hybrids Series 'Percival' (Delphinium) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white|black Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Delphinium 'Sky Blue White Bee' (Magic Fountains Series Group) (Delphinium; Larkspur) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Delphinium (Summer Skies Group) (Delphinium; Larkspur) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Digitalis ferruginea (Rusty Foxglove) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red|yellow Nativity: S. Europe, W. Asia (cultivated) Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 | |
Digitalis thapsi SPANISH PEAKS® (Foxglove) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated (Spain) Hardiness: USDA Zone 4B Soil: Moderately moist garden loam Light: partial shade | |
Dryopteris erythrosora (Japanese Shield Fern; Copper Shield Fern; Autumn Fern) Family: Polypody Family Habit: fern; rhizome Nativity: S China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Dryopteris filix-mas 'Robusta' (Male Fern) Family: Polypody Family Habit: fern Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Prefers wet or constantly moist Light: shade | |
Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' (Coneflower) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red|pink|yellow|orange|purple|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Echinacea pallida (Pale Purple Coneflower) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|orange Nativity: E & C United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Echinacea paradoxa (Yellow Coneflower) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: C United States (Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri) Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Echinacea purpurea 'Alba' (Coneflower; Eastern Purple Coneflower) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Ephedra equisetina (Mongolian Ephedra; Bluestem Joint Fir) Family: Joint-Fir Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 4B Soil: Well-drained soil; loam, clay, or sandy soil with moderate moisture to xeric Light: sun, partial sun | |
Eremurus Spring Valley Hybrids (Foxtail Lily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: multi-colored Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion' (Mexican Fleabane Daisy) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 7B Light: sun, partial sun | |
Erythronium 'Pagoda' (Dog's Tooth Violet; Trout Lily) Family: Lily Family Habit: herbaceous; geophyte Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: well-drained, humus-rich Light: sun, partial shade | |
Forsythia viridissima var. koreana 'Kumson' (Greenstem Forsythia; Korean Forsythia) Family: Olive Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Fritillaria persica (Persian Fritillary) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: W Asia (S Turkey to W Iran, W to Jordan & Israel) Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Organically rich, medium wet, well-drained soils Light: sun, partial sun, partial shade, shade | |
Gaillardia × grandiflora 'Arizona Red Shades' (Blanket Flower) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Galanthus ikariae (Snowdrop) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Nativity: Aegean Islands, Greece | |
Galanthus woronowii (Green Snowdrop) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: white|green Nativity: Turkey, Georgia, Russian Federation Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Galium odoratum (Sweet Woodruff) Family: Madder Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Europe, Temperate Asia, Algeria Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: shade, partial shade | |
Gentiana cruciata 'Blue Cross' (Crosswort Gentian; Cross Gentian) Family: Gentian Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Gentiana septemfida (Crested Gentian; Summer Gentian) Family: Gentian Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue|white Nativity: Turkey to Iran & Caucasus Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: partial shade | |
Geranium 'Ann Folkard' (Cranesbill) Family: Geranium Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun, partial shade | |
Geranium 'Brookside' (Cranesbill) Family: Geranium Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Well-drained site with moist soil Light: partial sun | |
Geranium × cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' (Cranesbill; Hardy Geranium) Family: Geranium Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: moist-dry in normal, sandy, clay soil Light: partial sun | |
Geranium × johnsonii 'Johnson’s Blue' (Cranesbill) Family: Geranium Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan’s Variety' (Bigroot Geranium; Rock Cranesbill) Family: Geranium Family Nativity: Cultivated | |
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Spessart' Family: Geranium Family Flowers: pink | |
Geum 'Tequila Sunrise' Cocktail™ (Avens) Family: Rose Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis (Thornless Honeylocust) Family: Bean Family Habit: tree Hardiness: USDA Zone 4B | |
Hamamelis × intermedia 'Arnold Promise' (Witch Hazel) Family: Witch Hazel Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hedera helix (English Ivy; Common Ivy) Family: Ginseng Family Habit: vine Nativity: Europe, Scandinavia, USSR Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 | |
Helictotrichon sempervirens 'Saphirsprudel' Sapphire Fountain (Blue Oat Grass) Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Flowers: brown Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Well-drained moist soil Light: sun, partial sun, partial shade | |
Helleborus × hybridus 'Cherry Blossom' Winter Jewels Series® (Hybrid Lenten Rose; Lenten Rose) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: moist, well drained, organic rich Light: partial shade | |
Helleborus × hybridus 'Jade Star' WINTER JEWELS® (Hybrid Lenten Rose; Lenten Rose) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: brown|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 | |
Helleborus × hybridus 'Rose Quartz' Winter Jewels Series™ (Hybrid Lenten Rose; Lenten Rose) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, shade | |
Helleborus 'Midnight Ruffles' Winter Thriller™ (Lenten Rose) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: black Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Helleborus niger (Christmas Rose; Black Hellebore) Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Alps, Appennines Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: average soil, do not overwater Light: partial shade, shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: purple|green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Brown Witch' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: brown Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'De Colores' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|yellow|red|green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Decatur Apricot' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|gold Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Endless Heart' Earlybird Cardinal™ (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red|green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Exotic Love' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: gold|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Hemerocallis 'Frans Hals' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: orange|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Fuchsia Dream' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple|cream Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Hemerocallis 'Gordon Biggs' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red|green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Green Tarantula' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Heidi Eidelweiss' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white|green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Hemerocallis 'Hot Glow' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Hemerocallis 'Milk Chocolate' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: brown|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Myth And Magic' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: orange|red|green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Hemerocallis 'Orange Vols' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Hemerocallis 'Persian Market' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|gold Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Hemerocallis 'Prairie Blossoms' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|orange|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Hemerocallis 'Rare Beauty' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Scarlet Apache' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red|green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Hemerocallis Spinnerette Latreille™ (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Stoplight' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hemerocallis 'Storm Warning' (Daylily) Family: Grasstree Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: purple|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie' (Coral Bells) Family: Saxifrage Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: partial sun, shade | |
Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade' (Coral Bells) Family: Saxifrage Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Heucherella alba 'Bridget Bloom' (Foamy Bells) Family: Saxifrage Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: well-drained, organic Light: partial shade | |
Hibiscus moscheutos 'Luna Rose' (Common Rose Mallow; Hardy Hibiscus) Family: Mallow Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Collie Mullens' (Rose Of Sharon) Family: Mallow Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart' (Rose Mallow; Rose Of Sharon; Althea) Family: Mallow Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5B Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' (Hosta; Giboshi) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Hosta 'Albomarginata' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: moist, even wet Light: partial sun, shade | |
Hosta 'Bill Dress’s Blue' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Hosta 'Cheatin Heart' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial sun, partial shade | |
Hosta 'Earth Angel' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Hosta 'Ginko Craig' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: shade, partial shade | |
Hosta 'Green Eyes' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Hosta 'Love Pat' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Hosta 'Minima' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Nativity: Cultivated Light: partial shade | |
Hosta 'Praying Hands' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial shade | |
Hosta 'Royal Standard' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Hosta 'Sagae' (Hosta; Variegated Plantain Lily) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: shade, partial shade | |
Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Needs moist, but not soggy soil Light: partial shade, shade | |
Hosta sieboldiana 'Frances Williams' (Hosta; Plantain Lily) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Needs moist, but not soggy soil Light: partial shade, shade | |
Hosta 'Summer Breeze' (Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Hosta undulata var. undulata (Wavy Plantain Lily; Hosta) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial sun, shade | |
Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jacket' (Common Hyacinth) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Hydrangea anomala ssp. petiolaris (Climbing Hydrangea) Family: Hydrangea Family Habit: vine Flowers: cream Nativity: Japan, S Korea, Taiwan, Russian Federation (Kurile Is., Sakhalin) Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Adaptable, moist, well-drained Light: sun, shade | |
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' (Tree Hydrangea; Sevenbark; Wild Hydrangea; Hills of Snow; American Hydrangea) Family: Hydrangea Family Habit: shrub Flowers: cream Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Humus-rich, slightly acid, well-drained soil Light: partial shade, partial sun | |
Hydrangea heteromalla (Wooly Hydrangea; Himalayan Hydrangea) Family: Hydrangea Family Habit: shrub Flowers: cream|pink|bronze Nativity: Himalaya, W & N China Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Humus-rich, slightly acid, well-drained soil Light: partial shade, sun | |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Fanfare' Next Generation Wedding Ring (Big Leaf Hydrangea; Lacecap Hydrangea) Family: Hydrangea Family Habit: shrub Flowers: blue|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: partial shade | |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Piihm-1' Endless Summer Twist-N-Shout® (Big Leaf Hydrangea; Lacecap Hydrangea) Family: Hydrangea Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink|blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: partial shade | |
Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' (Peegee Hydrangea) Family: Hydrangea Family Habit: shrub Flowers: green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial sun, sun | |
Hydrangea paniculata 'Renhy' Vanilla Strawberry™ (PeeGee Hydrangea) Family: Hydrangea Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white|pink|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf Hydrangea) Family: Hydrangea Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: SE United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Humus rich, well-drained, alkaline Light: shade, sun | |
Hydrangea serrata 'MAK20' Tuff Stuff™ (Mountain Hydrangea) Family: Hydrangea Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red|green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Iberis sempervirens Tahoe™ (Perennial Candytuft; Edging Candytuft) Family: Mustard Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Ipheion 'Rolf Fiedler' (Spring Starflower) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Ipheion uniflorum (Spring Starflower) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: blue|white Nativity: Argentina, Uruguay Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Ipomopsis rubra (Standing Cypress; Sky Rocket) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red|yellow Nativity: E & C United States, E Canada (Ontario) Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Afternoon Delight' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: brown|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Billabong' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: brown Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Braggadocio' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: orange|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Burst' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome; herbaceous Flowers: gold|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Cats Reign' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Crooked Little Smile' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow|blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Iris domestica (Blackberry Lily; Leopard Lily) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: orange|red Nativity: SE & E Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Earthborn' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: brown|pink Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Iris 'Exposé' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Fat ’N Sassy' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Flying Carpet' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Going Dutch' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome; herbaceous Flowers: white|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Golden Panther' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: gold Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Gracious Curves' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: white|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Harmony' (Netted Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Iris 'Hello Darkness' (Iris; Bearded Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome; herbaceous Flowers: purple|black Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Hi Calypso' (Iris; Bearded Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome; herbaceous Flowers: gold|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'High Chaparral' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow|brown Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Iris 'Impressionist' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome Flowers: pink|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Lady Friend' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Leprechaun’s Delight' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow|cream Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Lightshine' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Obligato' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome; herbaceous Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Iris pallida 'Argentea Variegata' (Dalmatian Iris; Sweet Iris; Zebra Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome; herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Iris pallida 'Variegata' (Sweet Iris; Dalmatian Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome Flowers: blue|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Average, well-drained soil; do no overwater Light: sun, partial shade | |
Iris 'Phantom Ship' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome; herbaceous Flowers: purple|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris reticulata (Netted Iris; Reticulated Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: purple|blue Nativity: SE Europe, W Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Average, well-drained soil; do no overwater Light: sun | |
Iris 'Ruth Porter Waring' (Iris; Bearded Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome; herbaceous Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Iris 'Starwoman' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: rhizome; herbaceous Flowers: purple|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Sun Cherub' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'Tequila Sunrise' (Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Iris 'White Van Vliet' (Dutch Iris) Family: Iris Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Juniperus chinensis 'Spearmint' (Chinese Juniper) Family: Cypress Family Habit: tree Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Karpatiosorbus latifolia (European Mountain Ash; Service Tree of Fontainebleau; Broadleaved Whitebeam; Fontainebleau Service Tree) Family: Rose Family Habit: tree Flowers: white Nativity: Algeria, France, Germany, Switzerland Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 | |
Koelreuteria paniculata (Golden Rain Tree) Family: Soapberry Family Habit: tree Flowers: yellow Nativity: China to Korea Hardiness: USDA Zone 4B Soil: Adaptable to wide range of soils Light: sun | |
Laburnum × watereri 'Vossii' (Goldenchain Tree) Family: Bean Family Habit: tree Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6A Light: sun, partial sun | |
Lamium maculatum 'Orchid Frost' (Spotted Dead Nettle) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: red-violet Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Leucanthemum 'Snowbound' (Shasta Daisy) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: average, well-drained Light: sun | |
Leucanthemum × superbum 'Leuzoo1' Freak!® (Shasta Daisy) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Leucanthemum × superbum 'Silver Princess' (Shasta Daisy) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Leucojum aestivum (Summer Snowflake; Loddon Lily) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Great Britain to Iran Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: moist, well-drained soil; can tolerate clayey, waterlogged soils Light: sun, partial shade | |
Liatris ligulistylis (Meadow Blazing Star; Large Headed Liatris; Rocky Mountain Blazing Star; Northern Plains Gayfeather) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: SC Canada, NC United States to New Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Ligularia 'The Rocket' (Leopard Plant) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: rich, humusy, medium to wet Light: partial sun, shade | |
Lilium 'Bonbini' (Orienpet Lily) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: cream|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lilium 'Centerfold' (Asiatic Lily) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: white|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lilium 'Copper Crown' (Trumpet Lily) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lilium 'Gironde' (Asiatic Lily) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lilium 'High Tea' (Orienpet Lily) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: white|orange|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Lilium 'Little Kiss' (Asiatic Lily) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lilium 'Manitoba Morning' (Martagon Lily; Lily; Turk's Cap) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: pink|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Lilium martagon (Martagon Lily; Martagon; Turk's-Cap Lily) Family: Lily Family Habit: herbaceous; geophyte Flowers: pink Nativity: Europe, Temperate Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lilium pumilum (Coral Lily) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: red Nativity: N China, N Korea, Mongolia, Siberia Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: moist Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lilium 'Salmon Star' (Lily) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: orange|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Linaria purpurea (Purple Toadflax) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Italy, Sicily Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Linum flavum (Golden Flax; Yellow Flax; lin jaune) Family: Flax Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Europe to N Turkey Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: well-drained Light: sun | |
Liriope muscari 'Monroe’s White' (Lily Turf) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: partial sun | |
Lobelia cardinalis 'Queen Victoria' (Cardinal Flower; Indian Pink) Family: Bellflower Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Deep, fertile, moist soil Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lobelia siphilitica (Blue Cardinal Flower; Great Blue Lobelia) Family: Bellflower Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: SC & SE Canada to WC & E United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Rich, humusy, medium wet to wet soils Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lobularia maritima 'Carpet of Snow' (Sweet Alyssum) Family: Mustard Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lonicera fragrantissima (Fragrant Honeysuckle; Winter Honeysuckle) Family: Honeysuckle Family Habit: shrub Flowers: cream Nativity: China Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: adaptable- survives sand, clay and high pH Light: sun, shade | |
Lonicera × heckrottii 'Goldflame' (Goldflame Honeysuckle) Family: Honeysuckle Family Habit: vine Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' (Boxleaf Honeysuckle) Family: Honeysuckle Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 7 Soil: moderate Light: shade, sun | |
Lupinus Band of Nobles Series 'The Chatelaine' (Lupine) Family: Bean Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Lupinus Band of Nobles Series 'The Page' (Lupine) Family: Bean Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Lupinus 'The Governor' (Lupine) Family: Bean Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander' (Yellow Loosestrife; Garden Loosestrife) Family: Primrose Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: average moist loam, tolerates poor Light: sun, partial sun, partial shade, shade | |
Magnolia 'Palisade Peach' (Magnolia) Family: Magnolia Family Habit: tree Nativity: Cultivated | |
Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' (Star Magnolia) Family: Magnolia Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Magnolia 'Sunset Swirl' (Magnolia) Family: Magnolia Family Habit: tree Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Marrubium rotundifolium (Silverheels Horehound; Silver Edged Horehound) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue|white Nativity: Turkey Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: clay, sandy or loam Light: sun, partial sun | |
Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow|purple|white Nativity: Mediterranean to C Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Monarda didyma Lilac 'Balbalmac' BALMY™ (Bee Balm) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Muscari armeniacum 'Julia' (Armenian Grape Hyacinth) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: geophyte Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 | |
Narcissus 'Carlton' (Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Narcissus (Golden Bells Group) (Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: yellow|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Narcissus 'Intrigue' (Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: white|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Narcissus 'Kiss Me' (Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Narcissus 'Little Gem' (Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: yellow|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Narcissus 'Minnow' (Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: yellow|cream Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Narcissus 'Obdam' (Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: white|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Narcissus 'Pacific Coast' (Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: yellow|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Narcissus poeticus var. recurvus (Pheasant's Eye Narcissus) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: white|yellow Nativity: France to Greece Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Narcissus 'Precedent' (Precedent Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: white|pink Nativity: Cultivated | |
Narcissus 'Symphonette' (Symphonette Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: yellow|yellow Nativity: Cultivated | |
Narcissus 'Thalia' (Daffodil) Family: Amaryllis Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: white|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Nassella tenuissima (Finestem Tussockgrass; Mexican Feather Grass; Finestem Needlegrass) Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Flowers: pink Nativity: SC United States, Mexico, Patagonia Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Nepeta × faassenii 'Snowflake' (Catmint; White Catmint) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Nepeta 'Psfike' LITTLE TRUDY® (Catnip; Catmint) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: sandy, clay or loam Light: sun, partial shade | |
Nepeta racemosa 'Walker’s Low' (Catmint) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Nepeta yunnanensis (Catmint) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple|blue Nativity: China Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun | |
Oenothera lindheimeri (White Gaura) Family: Evening Primrose Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|white Nativity: SE Texas to SW Louisiana Light: sun | |
Oenothera macrocarpa (Ozark Sundrops; Bigfruit Evening Primrose) Family: Evening Primrose Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: C United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. incana SILVER BLADE® (Hoary Evening Primrose; Evening Primrose) Family: Evening Primrose Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Well-drained, average garden soil Light: sun | |
Orlaya grandiflora (Large-Flowered Orlaya; White Lace Flower) Family: Carrot Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: C & S Europe Light: sun | |
Paeonia 'Callie’s Memory' (Itoh Peony) Family: Peony Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow|pink|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Paeonia 'Cora Louise' (Itoh Peony) Family: Peony Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Paeonia 'Scarlet Heaven' (Itoh Peony) Family: Peony Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: well-drained Light: sun, partial sun | |
Paeonia 'Smith Opus 2' Takara™ (Itoh Peony) Family: Peony Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Paeonia 'Yellow Water Lily' (Itoh Peony) Family: Peony Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Panicum virgatum 'Dallas Blues' (Switch Grass; Switchgrass) Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge; rhizome Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Panicum virgatum 'Prairie Sky' (Switch Grass; Switchgrass; Blue Switch Grass) Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Flowers: silver|pink|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Panicum virgatum 'Trailblazer' (Switch Grass; Switchgrass) Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Flowers: red|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Papaver rupifragum 'Double Tangerine Gem' (Spanish Poppy) Family: Poppy Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 7 Light: sun | |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia Creeper; Woodbine; American Ivy) Family: Grape Family Habit: vine Nativity: New Eng. to FL + Mexico to OH + IL + MO Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 | |
Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Boston Ivy; Virginia Creeper) Family: Grape Family Habit: vine Flowers: yellow|green Nativity: China, Japan Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Prefers moist, well-drained soil, but adaptive to other conditions Light: sun, partial sun, partial shade | |
Parthenocissus tricuspidata 'Lowii' (Boston Ivy; Miniature Japanese Ivy ) Family: Grape Family Habit: vine Flowers: green Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Penstemon ambiguus (Gilia Penstemon; Sand Penstemon; Pink Plains beardtongue; Bush Penstemon) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: SW United States, N Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Well-drained sandy soil Light: sun | |
Penstemon caespitosus (Mat Penstemon; Tufted Beardtongue) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous; sub-shrub Flowers: purple Nativity: Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' (Foxglove Penstemon; Talus Slope Penstemon) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Penstemon grandiflorus 'P010S' PRAIRIE JEWEL® (Large Beardtongue) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red|pink|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Moderate water to dry; well-drained soil Light: sun | |
Penstemon × mexicali 'Carolyn’s Hope' (Penstemon) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4B Soil: clay, loam or sandy Light: sun, partial shade | |
Penstemon pinifolius 'Mersea Yellow' (Pineleaf Penstemon; Pineneedle Beardtongue) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Well-drained loam or sandy soil Light: sun, partial sun, partial shade | |
Penstemon secundiflorus (Sidebells Penstemon) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|purple Nativity: W United States (Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico); N Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Penstemon strictus (Stiff Beardtongue; Rocky Mountain Penstemon; Rocky Mountain Beardtongue) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue|purple Nativity: Wyoming to Arizona & New Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Well-drained loam or sandy soil Light: sun, partial shade | |
Philadelphus lewisii (Lewis' Mock Orange) Family: Hydrangea Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: SW Canada to California Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Moderately fertile soil Light: sun, partial sun | |
Phlomis cashmeriana (Jerusalem Sage; Cashmere Sage) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Afghanistan to W Himalaya Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Well-drained soil; garden loam, clay or sandy soil Light: sun, partial sun, partial shade, shade | |
Phlox paniculata 'David' (Summer Phlox; Perennial Phlox) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: medium moisture Light: sun, partial shade | |
Phlox paniculata 'Delilah' (Summer Phlox; Perennial Phlox) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Phlox paniculata 'Norah Leigh' Darwin's Joyce (Summer Phlox; Perennial Phlox) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Phlox paniculata 'Tequila Sunrise' (Summer Phlox; Perennial Phlox) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: orange|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Phlox × procumbens 'Pink Profusion' (Hybrid Phlox) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5A Soil: well drained Light: sun | |
Phlox sp. Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous | |
Phlox stolonifera (Creeping Phlox) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: United States (PA to GA) (14 states) Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 | |
Phlox stolonifera 'Blue Ridge' (Creeping Phlox) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: partial sun, shade | |
Phlox stolonifera 'Bruce’s White' (Bruce's White Creeping Phlox) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: partial sun, partial shade, shade | |
Phlox subulata 'Scarlet Flame' (Creeping Phlox) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Phygelius Tie Dye Yellow Submarine™ (Cape Fuchsia) Family: Figwort Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6B Light: partial shade | |
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart’s Gold' (Ninebark) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: cream|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo' (Ninebark) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Well-drained soil Light: sun, partial shade, partial sun | |
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Mindia' Coppertina™ (Ninebark) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward' Summer Wine® (Ninebark) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Picea abies 'Columnaris' (Norway Spruce) Family: Pine Family Habit: tree Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 2B Soil: Moderately moist, sandy, acid, well-drained soils Light: sun | |
Picea abies 'Pusch' (Norway Spruce) Family: Pine Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Picea omorika 'Pendula' (Weeping Serbian Spruce) Family: Pine Family Habit: tree Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4B Light: sun | |
Picea pungens (Colorado Blue Spruce; Blue Spruce) Family: Pine Family Habit: tree Nativity: W United States (Rocky Mts) Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Picea pungens 'Mission Blue' (Mission Blue Spruce) Family: Pine Family Habit: tree Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 | |
Pinus bungeana (Lacebark Pine; Bunge's Pine) Family: Pine Family Habit: tree Nativity: C & N China Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Well-drained soil Light: sun | |
Pinus flexilis (Limber Pine) Family: Pine Family Habit: tree Nativity: SW Canada, W & NC United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Platycodon grandiflorus (Balloon Flower; Chinese Bellflower) Family: Bellflower Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: China, Manchuria, Japan Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Fertile, well-drained Light: sun, partial shade | |
Podophyllum hexandrum (Himalayan Mayapple) Family: Barberry Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: white|pink Nativity: Afghanistan to China Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Soil: Moist, humus rich, well-drained Light: partial shade | |
Polemonium caeruleum 'Blanjou' BRISE D (Jacob's Ladder; Greek Valerian) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Polemonium reptans 'Blue Pearl' (Spreading Jacob's Ladder; Creeping Jacob's Ladder; Greek Valerian) Family: Phlox Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 | |
Polygonatum × hybridum 'Striatum' (Garden Solomon's Seal) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: Only Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: partial shade, shade | |
Primula denticulata 'Ronsdorf Hybrids' (Drumstick Primrose; Drumstick Primula; Himalayan Primrose) Family: Primrose Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: multi-colored Nativity: Cultivated | |
Primula meadia (Shooting Star; American Cowslip; Eastern Shooting Star) Family: Primrose Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: S. Central Canada to Central & E. U.S.A. | |
Prunella grandiflora 'Lacy Deep Pink' (Self-Heal) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Prunella grandiflora 'Pink Loveliness' (Self-Heal) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Prunus tenella 'Ruth’s 100th' (Dwarf Russian Almond) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Pseudolysimachion longifolium 'Candied Candle' (Veronica) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Quercus gambelii (Gambel Oak; Shin Oak) Family: Beech Family Habit: tree; shrub/tree Nativity: SW United States, N Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: dry, well-drained soil Light: sun | |
Rehmannia piasezkii (Chinese Foxglove) Family: Figwort Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: C China (Hubei, Shaanxi) Hardiness: USDA Zone 8A Soil: acidic Light: sun, partial shade | |
Rhododendron × 'Gibraltar' (Gibraltar Azalea) Family: Heath Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red|orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Acid with humus or compost. Light, well-drained with good aeration and moisture in summer. Light: partial shade | |
Rhododendron 'Golden Lights' (Golden Lights Azalea) Family: Heath Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3A Soil: Acid with humus or compost. Light, well-drained with good aeration and moisture in summer. Light: partial shade | |
Rosa 'Adelaide Hoodless' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 2 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'ALTmine' True Friendship (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 | |
Rosa 'Apricot Abundance' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated | |
Rosa 'AUSbite' Spirit of Freedom (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'AUScousin' Boscobel (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Auslow' Yellow Button (Yellow Button Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated | |
Rosa 'Ausmove' Tess of the d (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated | |
Rosa 'Ausnyson' Lady Of Shalott (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'AUSrimini' Strawberry Hill (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'AUSwinter' Crown Princess Margareta (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'BAIcham' Easy Elegance Champagne Wishes® (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Ballerina' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Bill Reid' Canadian Artists Series (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Buff Beauty' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow|orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Chuckles' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Rosa 'CLEdan' Dancing In The Wind™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: cream|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa Coral Cove 'BAIove' EASY ELEGANCE® (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Cuthbert Grant' Parkland Series (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'DICumpteen' Pretty In Pink™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Distant Drums' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: purple|bronze Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Douglas Gandy' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Rosa Downton Abbey® 'WEKaltjuchi' EDITH (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: gold|orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 | |
Rosa 'Earth Song' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4B Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Elmshorn' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Emily Carr' Canadian Artists Series (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Fantin-Latour' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub | |
Rosa Fire Opal™ 'KORumneza' Kolorscape® (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'George Vancouver' Explorer Series (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Goldbusch' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated | |
Rosa 'HARkaramel' Anne Harkness® (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: gold Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Rosa 'HARpageant' Easy Does It™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Harwanna' Jacqueline du Pre (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated | |
Rosa 'Henry Hudson' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 2 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'JACfrepu' Bella (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow|pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'JACicrim' Crush On You (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'JACmearo' Sweetness (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'JACtanic' Moondance™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'JACthain' Tuscan Sun (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'JACveryp' Our Lady Of Guadalupe™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'KORamflusa' Rose Of Hope™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Korbin' Iceberg (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'KORfloci08' BRILLIANT™ VERANDA® (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5A Light: sun | |
Rosa 'KORhopiko' Kolorscape Flamingo™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Korpancom' Electric Blanket (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'KORsixkono' Kolorscape Kardinal™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'KORtemma' Red Ribbons® (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Rosa Lord Byron 'MEItosier' POLKA® (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated | |
Rosa 'Macoranlem' Oranges and Lemons (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Meidelweis' Bolero™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5B Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Meineble' Red Meidiland® (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 | |
Rosa 'MEIsponge' Cherry Parfait™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: cream|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Meizambaizt' Gold Struck™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Meldomonac' BONICA® (Meidiland Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Well-drained garden loam; tolerates poor soils Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Morhoop' Hula Hoop (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Morredfar' Red Fairy (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Morten' Linda Campbell™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'MORyelrug' Topaz Jewel (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Rosa 'Mountain Music' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa × noisettiana 'Darlow’s Enigma' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Rosa 'Novarospop' Popcorn Drift® (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'ORAclelon' Over The Moon™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa Parkland Series 'Morden Fireglow' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Pejamore' Bull's Eye™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: cream|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Pike’s Peak' Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink|white Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Playboy' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Prairie Sunrise' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Quietness' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Radwhite' White Out™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Raspberry Kiss' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 | |
Rosa rugosa 'Therese Bugnet' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'SAVaden' Denver's Dream™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Rosa Bliss™ Parfuma® (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa Spirit Abundance (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated | |
Rosa Velvet Abundance (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated | |
Rosa 'Sprolem' Eyeconic Lemonade (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'TANweieke' Showbiz (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Tausendschon' (Thousand Beauties Climbing Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5B Light: sun, partial sun | |
Rosa 'Téquila' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Variegata di Bologna' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Rosa 'WEKbijou' Koko Loko (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: cream|purple Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Wekblunez' Memorial Day™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'WEKcobeju' Cinco De Mayo™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red|purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'WEKdidusinra' White Licorice™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow|white Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Rosa 'WEKearman' Let Freedom Ring™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Wekebtidere' Twilight Zone (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Wekfabpur' Midnight Blue™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated | |
Rosa 'Wekjunjuc' Sparkle And Shine™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Wekmemolo' Sugar Moon™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'WEKmerewby' Grande Dame™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Wekmongros' Pumpkin Patch (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Weknewchi' Jump For Joy™ (Rosa) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'WEKpaltlez' Hot Cocoa™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange|brown Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Wekplagneze' Home And Family™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'WEKplalajaro' Colorific™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Wekplapep' Scentimental™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'WEKplapic' BETTY BOOP™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow|red Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Wekscemala' Chihuly (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow|orange|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'WEKswechefy' Easy on the Eyes™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'WEKvossutono' Julia Child™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Wekwibypur' Diamond Eyes™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: purple|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Wekyesir' Ch-Ching!™ (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Will Scarlet' (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun | |
Rosa 'Winnipeg Parks' Parkland Series (Rose) Family: Rose Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3B Light: sun | |
Rudbeckia hirta 'Indian Summer' (Black-Eyed Susan; Gloriosa Daisy) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow|brown Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Somewhat moist, well-drained soil Light: sun | |
Salvia bulleyana (Prick Salvia) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow|blue Nativity: China (Yunnan) Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Salvia chrysophylla OLYMPUS™ (Golden Leaf Sage; Gold Leaf Sage) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: partial sun, sun | |
Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' (Sage; Balkan Clary) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Salvia pachyphylla (Rose Sage; Blue Sage; Mojave Sage; Giant-Flowered Purple Sage) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous; sub-shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: California, Nevada, Arizona Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Well-drained sandy or clay-loam soil Light: sun | |
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis 'Aurea' (Golden American Elder) Family: Viburnum Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Average, medium wet to wet, well-drained soil Light: sun, partial shade | |
Sanguisorba menziesii (Menzies' Burnet) Family: Rose Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red Nativity: NW United States, W Canada (Alaska to Washington) Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Santolina chamaecyparissus (Lavender Cotton; Gray Santolina) Family: Aster Family Habit: shrub; sub-shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: Italy, Former Yugoslavia Hardiness: USDA Zone 7 Soil: Well-drained soil Light: sun | |
Santolina green (Santolina) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Nativity: Cultivated | |
Santolina rosmarinifolia (Holy Flax; Green Lavender Cotton; Green Santolina) Family: Aster Family Habit: shrub; sub-shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: W Portugal to C Spain Hardiness: USDA Zone 7 Light: sun | |
Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue' (Pincushion Flower) Family: Honeysuckle Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Average, medium wet, well-drained Light: sun, partial shade | |
Schizachyrium scoparium 'Blaze' (Little Bluestem; Blue Stem; Broom Beard Grass) Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge; rhizome Flowers: gold Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Well-drained soil Light: sun, partial sun | |
Scilla forbesii (Glory of the Snow) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: W & S Turkey | |
Sedum 'Blue Spruce' (Stonecrop) Family: Stonecrop Family Habit: herbaceous; cactus/succulent Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Sedum 'Lime Zinger' SunSparkler® (Stonecrop) Family: Stonecrop Family Habit: cactus/succulent Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Sedum 'Mr. Goodbud' (Sedum; Autumn Stonecrop) Family: Stonecrop Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red-violet Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Sedum 'Rosetta' (Stonecrop) Family: Stonecrop Family Habit: cactus/succulent Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: very well-drained Light: sun | |
Sedum sediforme Turquoise Tails (don't include on signs) ' (Turquoise Tails Blue Sedum) Family: Stonecrop Family Habit: cactus/succulent Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5A Light: sun | |
Silene chalcedonica (Maltese Cross; Meadow Campion; Burning Love) Family: Pink Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: red Nativity: Temperate Asia, E Europe Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' (Goldenrod; Rough Goldenrod) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Sporobolus heterolepis (Prairie Dropseed) Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Flowers: pink|brown Nativity: C & E Canada to SC & SE United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Sand or loam soil Light: sun, partial sun | |
Stachys monieri 'Hummelo' (Alpine Betony; Betony) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Stewartia pseudocamellia (Japanese Stewartia) Family: Tea Family Habit: tree Flowers: white Nativity: Japan Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Styphnolobium japonicum 'Pendula' (Japanese Pagoda Tree; Chinese Scholartree) Family: Bean Family Habit: tree Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Septemberrubin' September Ruby (New England Aster; Fall Aster) Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: pink|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Syringa josikaea 'Pallida' (Hungarian Lilac) Family: Olive Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated | |
Syringa vulgaris 'Prairie Petite' (Lilac) Family: Olive Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 2 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Syringa vulgaris 'Primrose' (Lilac) Family: Olive Family Habit: Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium (Pond Cypress) Family: Taxodium Family Habit: tree Nativity: SE United States (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina) | |
Taxus × media 'Citation' (Yew) Family: Yew Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: well-drained Light: sun, partial shade | |
Taxus × media 'Hicksii' (Hick's Yew) Family: Yew Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Thuja occidentalis 'Danica' (American Arborvitae; White Cedar; Arborvitae) Family: Cypress Family Habit: shrub Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Thymus × citriodorus (Lemon Thyme) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous; shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Only Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Thymus neiceffi (Juniper Leaf Thyme) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Macedonia Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Thymus praecox ssp. britannicus (Mother-Of-Thyme; Wooly Thyme; Thyme) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Greenland, NW & W Europe Light: sun | |
Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz' (Wild Thyme; Mother of Thyme; Creeping Thyme) Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Tigridia pavonia red 'Speciosa' (Tiger Flower; Mexican Shell Flower) Family: Iris Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 8 Light: sun | |
Tradescantia × andersonianna 'Sweet Kate' (Spiderwort) Family: Spiderwort Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Tulipa acuminata (Turkish Tulip; Horned Tulip) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: yellow|red Nativity: Known only in cultivation (Turkey, 18th century) Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun | |
Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha 'Tubergen’s Gem' (Lady Tulip) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: red|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Tulipa 'Daydream' (Tulip) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: yellow|orange Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun | |
Tulipa 'Fire Wings' (Tulip) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: yellow|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Tulipa praestans 'Shogun' (Tulip) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: yellow|orange|red Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Tulipa 'Sunlover' (Tulip) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte; herbaceous Flowers: orange|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 2 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Tulipa 'World’s Favourite' (Tulip) Family: Lily Family Habit: geophyte Flowers: red|yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun | |
Verbascum bombyciferum (Mullein; Giant Silver Mullein) Family: Figwort Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Temperate Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun | |
Veronica spicata 'Glory' Royal Candles (Spike Speedwell) Family: Plantain Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 2 Light: sun | |
Viburnum burejaeticum 'P017S' Mini Man™ (Viburnum) Family: Viburnum Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Viburnum × burkwoodii 'Mohawk' (Mohawk Burkwood Viburnum) Family: Viburnum Family Habit: shrub Flowers: red|white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5B Soil: moderately moist, well-drained Light: sun, partial shade | |
Viburnum dentatum 'Christom' BLUE MUFFIN® (Arrowwood Viburnum) Family: Viburnum Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial shade | |
Viburnum farreri 'Nanum' (Fragrant Viburnum) Family: Viburnum Family Habit: shrub Flowers: pink Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Prefers moist, acid, well-drained but tolerates higher pH Light: sun, partial shade | |
Viburnum × rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' (Lantanaphyllum Viburnum) Family: Viburnum Family Habit: shrub Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Moist, well-drained soil Light: sun, partial shade | |
Vinca minor (Small Periwinkle; Common Periwinkle) Family: Dogbane Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: blue Nativity: Europe to Caucasus Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: rich, moist, well-drained soils; can handle occasional drought once established Light: partial sun, partial shade, shade | |
Viola 'Penny Orange' (Viola) Family: Violet Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: orange Nativity: Cultivated Light: sun, partial shade | |
Wisteria frutescens var. macrostachya 'Aunt Dee' (Kentucky Wisteria) Family: Bean Family Habit: vine Flowers: purple Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 | |
Xanthoceras sorbifolium 'Psgan' CLEAR CREEK® (Golden Horn Tree; Golden Yellowhorn) Family: Soapberry Family Habit: tree Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Soil: Moderate to xeric garden loam, clay or sandy soil Light: sun, partial sun, partial shade | |
Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' (Yucca) Family: Asparagus Family Habit: cactus/succulent Flowers: white Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Soil: Well-drained soil Light: sun |
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Photography © Denver Botanic Gardens
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