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thumbnail imageon mapAbronia fragrans (Fragrant Sand Verbena; Sweet Sand Verbena; Snowball Sand Verbena)

Family: Four O'Clock Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: WC United States (Montana & North Dakota south to Texas), N Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Sandy Light: sun

thumbnail imageon mapAchnatherum hymenoides (Indian Ricegrass)

Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Nativity: W Canada, W & C United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Well-drained soil Light: sun

thumbnail imageon mapAcorus calamus (Sweet Flag; Flagroot)

Family: Sweet-Flag Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: Moist soil

thumbnail imageon mapAjuga chamaepitys (Yellow Bugle; Ground Pine)

Family: Mint Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow|red Nativity: Europe, N Africa, Temperate Asia Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Light: sun, partial shade

on mapAlnus maritima 'September Sun' (Brook Alder; Seaside Alder)

Family: Birch Family Habit: shrub; tree Flowers: yellow Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 3B Light: sun, partial shade

on mapAmbrosia psilostachya (Perennial Ragweed)

Family: Aster Family

thumbnail imageon mapAmorpha canescens (Lead Plant)

Family: Bean Family Habit: shrub Flowers: purple Nativity: C Canada to New Mexico & Texas Hardiness: USDA Zone 2 Soil: average, dry to medium moisture, well-drained Light: sun

thumbnail imageon mapAmorpha fruticosa (False Indigo; Bastard Indigo)

Family: Bean Family Habit: shrub Flowers: purple|blue|white Nativity: United States to N Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Light, well-drained soil. Light: sun, partial sun

thumbnail imageon mapAndropogon gerardii (Big Bluestem; Tall Bluestem; Turkeyfoot)

Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge; rhizome Flowers: purple Nativity: Canada to Eastern and Central North America Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun

thumbnail imageAndropogon gerardii 'PWIN01S' WINDWALKER® (Big Bluestem)

Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Nativity: Cultivated Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun

thumbnail imageon mapAndropogon hallii (Sand Bluestem; Turkeyfoot)

Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge; rhizome Flowers: yellow Nativity: W & C North America Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun

thumbnail imageon mapAnemone canadensis (Meadow Anemone)

Family: Buttercup Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: white Nativity: North America Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun, partial sun

thumbnail imageon mapArgemone polyanthemos (Prickly Poppy; Crested Prickly Poppy; Plains Prickly Poppy)

Family: Poppy Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: WC & C United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 Soil: Sandy and Gravelly soil Light: sun

thumbnail imageon mapAristida purpurea (Purple Threeawn)

Family: Grass Family Habit: grass/sedge Flowers: purple Nativity: W Canada to Mexico, Cuba Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Soil: Course grained, xeric soils Light: sun

on mapArtemisia campestris ssp. caudata (Western Sagewort)

Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: yellow Nativity: Great Plains (USA, Cent.); USA (AL, AZ, CO, CT, FL, IA, IL, IN, KS, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI, WY), CAN (LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NU, ON, QC, SK), DEN (GL) Hardiness: USDA Zone 2

thumbnail imageon mapArtemisia filifolia (Sand Sage; Silvery Wormwood; Sand Sagebrush)

Family: Aster Family Habit: shrub Flowers: yellow Nativity: C & W United States, N Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun

thumbnail imageon mapArtemisia frigida (Pasture Sagebrush; Fringed Sage; Prairie Sagewort; Wormwood Sage)

Family: Aster Family Habit: sub-shrub; rhizome Flowers: yellow|white Nativity: E Europe to Temperate Asia, N America Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Light: sun

thumbnail imageon mapArtemisia ludoviciana (White Sage; Western Mugwort; White Sagebrush; Silver Wormwood; Mariola; estafiate)

Family: Aster Family Habit: herbaceous; rhizome Flowers: yellow Nativity: United States, Mexico, Canada Hardiness: USDA Zone 5 Light: sun, partial sun

thumbnail imageon mapAsclepias incarnata (Swamp Milkweed)

Family: Dogbane Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: pink Nativity: C & E Canada, United States, N Mexico Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 Soil: medium to wet Light: sun

thumbnail imageon mapAsclepias pumila (Plains Milkweed)

Family: Dogbane Family Habit: herbaceous Flowers: white Nativity: WC & C United States Hardiness: USDA Zone 4 Light: sun

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